• 忘掉大爆炸吧!所有关于宇宙诞生的赞誉都给了它,而实际上大爆炸的即刻结果是一片漆黑和虚无。那时的宇宙没有恒星,没有星系,只有一团气体;这是宇宙历史上的黑暗时代。然而,在这样的状态持续了一亿年之后,一个真正的剧变时刻来临了。这是第一批恒星形成的时刻,宇宙第一次被点亮的时刻,宇宙的最初结构和生命的第一批原料诞生的时刻。寰宇初曦,创世纪的真正时刻。
  • Horizon plunges down the biggest rabbit-hole in history in search of the smallest thing in the Universe. It is a journey where things don't just become smaller but also a whole lot weirder. Scientists hope to catch a glimpse of miniature black holes, multiple dimensions and even parallel Universes. As they start to explore this wonderland, where nothing is quite what it seems, ...